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Vaio pocket keeps crashing!!


Vaio pocket keeps crashing!!

My Vaio pocket keeps crashing. The HDD freezes on a function, either mid song or between them. I have to let the battery run down before I can resume normal function. I can't even get through playing an album before it freezes.

Its really irritating because it crashes mid travel then am left with no tunes. I've already tried to format the vaio and had to erase over 2000 songs. It did NOT work. Am not happy!

Anybody able to help? Please?


Thanks mate. I'll try the reset option when it happens again. I would like a permanent solution though. Its only 8 months old. This is the 3rd music player from sony and all 3 have given me trouble.

Won't stop me from getting a PS3 though!!! Bring it on!!!


First off if your VP freezes you can use the small reset hole in the bottom of the player, all dates & G settings will be erased but your music will remain intact. also, have you updated the firmware and your Sonic Stage to this version



Thanks Chris. I haven't tried the reset button yet coz it hasn't crashed in a while, amazingly. I did install the firmware updates before I posted my original thread. Lets hope all goes well from now on. Thanks again for your help.