Share your experience!
Hi all,
We just created this nice showcase for the VAIOpocket.
Let me know what you think !!
btw you can find me in the pics. Yes, i'm thinking of a new career as a model 😉
Well, I thought that was very impressive! Nice models too!
Male testicles to the models. I'm better.
What's confusing Kee-Lo - I read that as TT saying the models were boll*cks and he could do better
Faith - LOL (waiting in anticipation)
I want one...
1,500 hours of music is more than enough for me, and it looks great!
What's confusing Kee-Lo - I read that as TT saying the models were boll*cks and he could do betterWe wait in anticipation :smileywink::smileylaugh:
James said:The story of my life James
Faith - LOL (waiting in anticipation)
Kee-Lo said:You're welcome hun
Aaaaaaah I see... Thanks darling....
Supremely translated Faith, well done. But you must continue to wait in anticipation.
Supremely translated Faith, well done. But you must continue to wait in anticipation.Well I'm not one to beat around the bush :smileytongue:oh well, anticipation is a good thing :smileygrin: