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vgf-ap1 batterie drain while turned off // high pitched noise


vgf-ap1 batterie drain while turned off // high pitched noise

Hi all,
i just bought a sony vaio vgf-ap1l from ebay... now i found out from other threads in this forum that some peoples vaio makes a noise even when turned off which is draining battery dramatically?

Now my questions are:
* does this happen to everyone's vaio pocket? if this doesn't happen to you please tell me.
* have you contacted sony about it, could the solve this problem or are they refusing to help?

I am VERY DISAPPOINTED right now, i thought i bought a nice fully featured mp3 player, now i found out that i bought a piece of junk. I mean what if i go visit the mountains for a week, does that mean that there is no way to have running batteries for a week?

many thanks for your replies


No, this doesn't happen to mine.


Thanks for your replay.

So that means your batteries don't get drained at all while not used?
So you can fully charge your mp3 player leave it sitting there for two weeks and still have fully loaded batteries?

I wanna make sure i get this right when i talk to sony about this.

Many thanks in advance.


The VP batteries WILL run down over a period of time even if the player isn't used.

Sorry if this is bad news for you but it is a fact and has been discussed at some length elsewhwhere on this forum.

When the VP is switched to "power off" the unit is effectively put in standby mode and thus uses a slight trickle of power that over time ( a week or so??) will drain the battery.
You will not loose any data - but will have to reset time & G-Sense settings.
The reasoning for this design is for almost instant start when you press play on the remote.

I guess it's a "feature" you can either live with or not. Personally it's never been a problem for me I use and recharge my VP almost every day. In the 8 months I've had it I have never been more than 24 hours from an electrical socket !!!
So - if you "go to the mountains for a week" your VP will dischage but then again so will your phone, camera, GPS, etc etc.


thanks for your defintive answer, very kind!

yeah well unfortunantely i cannot consider it a feature but a pain in the *ss, i can understand that others are not bothered by it, but i think at least sony could share this information with us since it seems valuable for at least some of us.

So - if you "go to the mountains for a week" your VP will dischage but then again so will your phone, camera, GPS, etc etc.

i disagree, my digicam batteries will last VERY long without using the camera (months?), I am sure a lot more than a week. and if i go to the mountains i can turn off my phone overnight or even only turn it on when i want to make calls or check my inbox, and it will last very good for a week. similalry the vgf-ap1 would last me for a lot longer than a week, if it wouldn't suck energy the whole time, pointlessly. sony could at least give us the option off standby or complete turn off.


The unnatural battery drain and high-pitched noise when player is off are indeed fairly well-known issues about the Vaio Pocket, I'm sorry to say.

And it *is* a pain in the *ss as you put it because although the Vaio as tremendous battery life when used (I once used mine only using the remote to control it for more than 28 hours), forgetting it four days in your carrybag will force you to full charge again.

And the noise when it's off makes wearing in-ear buds imposssible when it's off, so that also qualifies as a huge PITA.

I forget all these, though, when I use my Vaio Pocket with my Etymotic ER4-P: this player is the DAP with the cleanest, most precise rendering I have tried yet, and as a webzine webmaster, that means a lots of DAPs. 🙂

Hope you'll be happy enough with it for its strengths to forget its (non-neglectable) weaknesses.

i have the same problem.
is it possible to desable this mode or not ?
thanks in advance...and happy new year.



I have my VP for a year now, and I have observed that now the batterie last more than at the begining and that it takes longer to discharge when not used.

Hope it helps you

Happy new year 2006


why should it hold longer?

this makes no sense to me??
