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This is 1 year old and as someone had said that generally it fails after warranty
In the night this was working fine and by Morning when i turned it on, it refuse to come up.
Looking for some help if it is easy to repair by looking inside.
Looks like both DVD, HDD are not working. Probably FAN is
also not working.
After Vaio logo and sound, screen goes blank and than bios messages appear-saying following
Americal Megatrends and logo
Checking NVRAM
Initializing USB controllers .. Done
512Mb ok
Auto detecting Pri Master .. IDE Hard Disk
Pri Master: M030AD1A IC25N060ATMR04-0
ultra DMA Mode-5, S.M.A.R.T. Capable but command failed
Sec Master:2.5a SONY DVD RW DW-U55A
ultra DMA Mode-2
Auto Detecting USB mass storage devices..
Pri Master Hard Disk: S.M.A.R.T. Command Failed
Press F2 to resume
Using F2, I can't do much as you know, there are not options available to the user.
When you say it is one year old, exactly when did the warranty expire as you could still have some rights under consumer law, for further info if you are in the UK visit HERE
Your 1 year warranty is offered by the manufacturer / retailer and does not effect your statutory rights.
I don't profess to be an expert but the SMART Command Failed would suggest your Hard Disk is very unwell.
But to complicate things further you add that the CD drive is not working.
Have you tried with a bootable CD such as your recovery CD?
I am an expert in buying Vaio's that die after 14 months:smileycry:
i tried booting up with the recovery CD, but didn't work.
It seems the AMI bios fails to move forward after detectingg the HDD failure.
So, almost stuck there, till I get the HDD repaired.
I also feel the HDD is gone.
DVD drive does not seem to be in error. but won't boot till
HDD is taken out Because, VAIO detects HDD but than
say SMART command failed.
Thanks for your reply. I am currently in INDIA and have found
a local repair agency for laptops. Will be talking to them
With best wishes