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VGN-A197XP - software crashes when performing in clubs


VGN-A197XP - software crashes when performing in clubs

i recently bought me an a-series vaio notebook. one of the major reasons for me was that it's advertised as very suitable for live sets in clubs, in concerts and so on.
i'm making visuals in such locations and the vaio only works fine when the climate is normal. but when the heat is on, when you have high humidity and everyone is sweatening than i get many software crashes. several programs running absolutely stable under normal conditions produce errors and crashes thus i've to reboot several video-progs during my gig. that is obviously big <profanity removed by moderator>, it's annoying and looks like having bought the cheapest piece of discounter-notebook.
in every other aspect i'm totaly satisfied with my vaio, it never crashes, it's running fast and almost without noise, but this one issue is driving me mad.
my mate doing video performances with me is using a VGN-GRX616 and he is not having those problems! thus i'm afraid the VGN-A197XP is not constructed very well, i assume a too bad cooling of the memory.

anyone having the same problem or knowing a way to solve the issue? anyone knowing a nice workaround??

i think i will put a ventilator (a big one, like you normaly have in offices) beneath my vaio next time and see if it helps.


normally, any notebook (except the most perculiar brands) will work under those conditions.
I myself also use a Vaio for running visual programs (from Martin) to run at clubs etc.

There could be 2 problems.
1. your vaio has a fabrical malfunction that causes the computer to be unstable at unnormal conditions while other models of your kind dont have that under the same conditions. You could give this story to the one who has sold it to you, and they might offer to send it back to have it checked.

2. this model has less resistance to climat changes than the model your friend has. In that case you might wanna try with a fan beside it. That way you can blow off the moisture in the air and the airflow might be better for the vaio.

I really wouldnt know other things. I hope it can help
Good luck!

thanks for the suggestions and links.

i will try with a table-ventilator next time and if it helps (at least a bit) than i'll buy me this baby:

Looks cool :cool: