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Is there anyway i can get this down? this is half of what is availble on my C drive and its hogging all the hard drive space! The other half is filled with apps and progs that i use, but really, should windows take up so much space?!
4 GB sounds rather excessive, mine is 1.8 GB. I suggest that you have a look at the properties of the individual folders to try and identify any suspiciously large ones – ‘Temp’ may be the culprit.
Mines 3.6Gb and it's all used as usefully as Windows ever uses disk space. 4gb isn't too unusual.
Mine is 2GB, but I have nearly 1000 fonts
Mine is approx 1,5GB (real size is 1,7GB a few files are compressed. For example WindowsUpdates).
One reason could be the number of Windows Updates on your VAIO. Always if you install an Update, Windows will create a backup file for you. These files becomes more and more.
mine is
SIZE ON DISK - 2.62 GB (2,817,279,584 bytes)
SIZE - 3.27 GB (3,515,853,695 bytes)
hmm...i'm used to having a windows folder of maybe one or two gigs, not four. Guess it seems normal then?
My system 32 folder is 800 megs, i clear my temp regularly so thats only 444kb
I have 700Mb of uninstall information
and a few folders with 200 megs etc.
Just not very helpful on an 8Gb C drive thats all!