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System UI stops after 6.0.1 update


System UI stops after 6.0.1 update

After updating to 6.0.1 marshmallow a few weeks ago, now I get an error saying systemui has stopped working and have to reboot the tablet. This happens at least once a day.

I have obtained a crash report.

Others have claimed that it was due to an SD card but I removed that same it still happens.

Is there a bug in the marshmallow update and if so when will it be fixed?

Who wants to see my crash report?



Hello @Paulpaul1308,

Welcome to the community!

Sorry to hear that. Slightly_frowning_Face

When are you receiving this error message? Is it when performing a specific action? For example, when starting a specific app. Is there any change if you boot you tablet without a SIM and/or SD-card inserted?

Are you able to re-create this behaviour if you reboot your device to safe mode? If so, I would advise that you continue with @nolramlb's suggestion and perform a software repair using Xperia Companion. Note that this will reset your device and you should make a backup using Xperia Companion first.

If you perform a software repair, please check if you still experience this behaviour without restoring any data at first.

Let me know how it goes!


> When are you receiving this error message?

At completely random times.

> Is it when performing a specific action?


> Is there any change if you boot you tablet without a SIM and/or SD-card inserted?

No. I had an SD card present so I removed it, but the error persists.

I'll try out your suggestions later and let you know.


I took a bug report BTW, do you not want to see that? If not, can you tell me why?


Thanks for a swift reply and for the update! I don't think I need to see a bug report just yet, I would recommend you perform the repair first and if this is still happening after that let me know.

Keep me in the loop!


After using Xperia Companion to create a backup, I tried repair twice. Each time it failed:

Something went wrong with the software repair

Please try again later and contact Sony support if the error persists.

Error code: UELoginUnexpectedExit


What does that error code mean when trying to do the repair, Google doesn't help:

"Error code: UELoginUnexpectedExit


Why has the support on this gone quiet? I'm not breaking any rules - I haven't rooted the tablet and my bootloader is locked, so why aren't I receiving any support?

I have noticed that systemui tends to crash when I receive a notification. I have also noticed that if something I had running - like a file copy, for example - completes and outputs a notification, then the system sorts itself out and I don't have to reboot. I tried using a different app (sending a message to the tablet through Join) to force a notification the last time it happened but that didn't work, unfortunately.

Like I say, I have captured a bug report.


Sorry for a late reply.

Regarding the error message you are receiving, is there any change if you reboot your computer and try performing the repair again in a few minutes? If possible, try using another computer.

As it looks right now I don't think a bug report is necessary, I would advise to complete the repair first. Let me know if the above helped!