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Tablet xperia z3 turn off after 5 min (no more batterie) but when restarting batterie is good


Tablet xperia z3 turn off after 5 min (no more batterie) but when restarting batterie is good

Recently my faithful z3 tablet started to act very strange when unplugged. It turn totally off after like when the battery is gone however when restarting it the battery looks like to have still a lot of juice in It. 

It s pretty problematic to not been able to use the tablet without having it hook up to power any idea of what I should do to fix that. 

Thanks in advance 

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Hi @Amgaladh

Welcome to the community! 

Sorry to hear you're having issues with your tablet Slightly_frowning_Face

Can you start the tablet in safe mode and see if you have the same problem?

Let me know Slightly_smiling_Face