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Xperia Z2 tablet screen burn spots/leaking light?


Xperia Z2 tablet screen burn spots/leaking light?

Hi. I've had my tablet for quite awhile like 4 years? Awhile ago near the home button landscape I notice the screen was red-ish in the middle and fades out yellow in that one spot. Not from applications but now it's spreading. Is it fixable getting the screen replaced?

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Hi @toader, I am sorry to hear about what has happened. Slightly_frowning_Face

Just so that I understand you correctly, this is present in all apps; correct? Could you take a screenshot and see if it appears in the screenshot? If it's present in all apps and does not appear in screenshots, then it seems like it is hardware related and actually on the display itself. 

For hardware related cases, I am sorry to say that I can only refer you to get in touch with your Local support for further assistance in having the device repaired. They are well informed when it comes to local service routines, warranty terms and consumer laws and will be able to tell if you may have your device repaired.