headphone jack not working


headphone jack not working

I recently bought a new Xperia Z1...
Had great time using it but suddenly on one unfortunate day, I found out that the phone no more recognizes any headphone.
I tried to clean the headphone jack.. AND it worked but after 3 minutes, phone wasn't able to recognize headphones not even SONY and beats.
Is it a software issue or something?!
Please help

Hi, this issue is solved by disabling the optimisation function on your mobile. Other headphones are not compatible with certain functions.

In your sound definitions clear the option DSEE HX


I had this problem and saw a suggestion to clean the socket, as my phone is well looked after and never anywhere to collect fluff I laughed a little at that, then later after trying everything else I thought I may as well give it a go so I took a needle and had a gentle poke in there, in a cirular motion. A little lint , but no improvement, so I dug in firmlly and especially in the centre bottom, and out came some very comppact lint, a few minutes later and a can of air blast to clear any loose lint my phones work a treat. 

It may not be this stopping yours, but up until I  did this I got no headphones icon, so they weren't going to work..noow I do and they do. An easy fix if you can make it work for you too. Good luck. 

Oh and apologies to the guy who suggested it for laughing at his great suggestion, many thanks dude. Winking_Face


Thanks so much. The headphone issue has bene driving me crazy for months. Just used a paper clip unfolded in the jack port and a tonne of lint came out. Hahahaha - thanks! Saved me buying a new phone!!!


I am habe the Same issue and would like to try the advice,  But there is no clear Data Option. What is wrong?


I've had this Z5 for 3 years now and this is the first time the headphone jack is not working.  I've tried the reset data, the phone was able to detect but disconnect it right away. And then I opt for SoundAbout, which works but only for the right side of the earphone. Hope there's some other way to fix it. Thanks


I have just followed the advice of  BengAlZZZ for my XZ1 compact. I first tried with the plastic don't-know-what found in some swiss knife. The one you can pull out and just wonder what it is good for. This brought out some of the fluff but it felt as if there was something soft at the bottom.

Then I went on with toothpicks. The rounded ones, whose tip is more sturdy and sharp. This has just right spared the felted pocket lint in the deep.

The phone now instantly detects my headphone and I can enjoy for what I have chosen this model: the nice and tight sounding headphone output.


my phone Xperia L4 XQ-AD51 today i updated to software update 57.0.a.2.280 and my headphone jack just plays on the right channel , left channel is muted , i did a repair and it still not working , on Bluetooth it works ok 


Clean the jack with compressed air ?


was working yesterday fine just today after the update then the problem started 

Community Team

Hi there,


Try to test the headphones with another phone to make sure that they are working fine.