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I have Vaio PCV-w1/G. want to connect a USB-HUB but it is not possible to. The Vaio-Site tells me to download a USB-driver from Microsoft. But I can't find. Can somebody tell me where I can find an what to download?
Hi duchrabbit and welcome to Club Vaio.
Assuming your problem is that the Install Wizard cannot find the correct driver, point it in the direction of C:\Windows\Driver Cache\i386. If the i386 directory is not located there then search for it on the C drive.
Hallo Rich,
thanks for response. But I have tried to find all over the HD and not find. When I connect USB-Hub I've got the next : "Cannot Install this Hardware" . Maybe you know what to do next?
Thanks, Dutchrabbit
I am very puzzled as to why this folder appears to be missing.
Just to make sure, click Start > Search and select ‘All Files and Folders’. Type i386 in the “All or part of the file name” box and under “Look in” select the C drive and then click Search.
You could also try pointing the Wizard at C:\Windows\inf.