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When I start the notebook, it beeps 3 times then pauses again 3 times then pauses and beeps once! Then nothing happens!
Can any1 shed some light please?
Sounds like a BIOS problem - these beeps are POST (Power-On Self Test) warnings, indicative of hardware errors.
If the computer is under the original one-year warranty then you should ring Sony ASAP via phone. THe contact number can be found on VAIO-Link.
If its out of warranty look here:
or here:
If your computer has an AMI bios try removing and then reinserting the memory.
If its Phoenix - I can't find a 3,3,1
Bear in mind that Phoenix manufacture all of the Award BIOS, and Award Modular BIOS chips, along with their own Phoenix make.
Great guide William!:smileycool:
Thanks James,
Can't find a 3.3.1 so lets hope its in warranty - It doesn't sound too good.
If you are that way inclined, I would still try reinserting the RAM and if possible (may not be) press F2 enter the bios setup and reload the default values (F10?)
I removed 1 of the 256mb, ddr chips & it booted up! thanks
Glad we could be of service!
Very pleased the resolution appears to be so simple.
Have you tried putting RAM chip back in - It may not be faulty.