Share your experience!
Hi Folks!
I'm having a really tough time here trying to connect my Moto V525 to my Vaio via Bluetooth.
Using Blue Space allows me to transfer Games to the mobile, but the included Moto-software (mobile phone tools) does not seem to recognise my mobile.
Setup keeps searching way after the "find me" function has shut down.
Is there anybody out there with the same setup who can help me??
Thanx in advance,
Upgrade to SP2 and ditch Bluespace.
Thanx for the zip, but I've already upgraded to SP2.
I tried to uninstall Blue Space - no change.
Mobile Phone Tools does not find the Bluetooth adaptor..
Although I have successfully connected and set up the Phone.. - i.e. Win finds it and exchanges the key.
Any hints??
This isn't really my knowledge area, so my next suggestion is to check the KB @ Motorolla.