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Xperia z3 Or Z4


Xperia z3 Or Z4

Anyone to help me find were I could purchase the item and what is the price range UK 


Accepted Solutions

Hi @Alias598214, welcome to our forum and I'm glad to hear that you are interested in purchasing one of our Xperia tablets! Slightly_smiling_Face

I had a look in the eShop for United Kingdom, but none of our tablets where available there so I would recommend that you get in touch with your Local support team and raise this question to them. They are the experts on your market and will be able to provide you with a more detailed answer on where you can purchase either of these products in the United Kingdom.

I hope that helps! Slightly_smiling_Face

View solution in original post


Hi @Alias598214, welcome to our forum and I'm glad to hear that you are interested in purchasing one of our Xperia tablets! Slightly_smiling_Face

I had a look in the eShop for United Kingdom, but none of our tablets where available there so I would recommend that you get in touch with your Local support team and raise this question to them. They are the experts on your market and will be able to provide you with a more detailed answer on where you can purchase either of these products in the United Kingdom.

I hope that helps! Slightly_smiling_Face


Hi I had posted on the Sony Tablet as were I could purchase a new Sony 


Thank for all the help I received  from a few supporters but as for now I still have not been able to purchase a new model but also I have been reading the problems that other Sony users have been having..... sadly it seems that maybe Sony has not been able to find the Technology to keep updated with other countries..... It saddens me to have to take my business to another supplier to purchase what I want and I have been a loyal customer to Sony as over the years I've had supported you even when you changed Sony to Sony Xperia all my equipment has been Sony I even would have given other people advice for them if they were looking for a new phone Tablets PlayStation oh well It has to come time for me an I'm sure a lot of other people are feeling the same is to move on to another company that has good 5 star rating......


Hi again, I apologize for the late reply.

I'm afraid that I have no information if either of these products are available in other markets either, as I work globally but I'm situated in the Nordic region.

I'm sorry that you haven't been able to get a hold of either an Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact or an Xperia Z4 Tablet, but if they aren't available at retailers in the UK, I'm afraid there is not much else I can do.