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my pcg-grv616g is too hot near the power cord (the electric plug) , the fan seems to work good. I don't know if it's normal. it's really very hot. Can you help me? thanks
Mine does get hot, but not boiling.
my pcg-grv616g is too hot near the power cord (the electric plug) , the fan seems to work good. I don't know if it's normal. it's really very hot. Can you help me? thanks
My GRX isn't noisy really.
it's a little bit too hot, quite boiling.
it's noisy but i think because the fun is always on. If I change the configuration on silent, it's not.
Do you know some software to see the state of the fun, if it's working well or not, or if the temperature it's really too high?
thanks a lot
Theres a program called MobileMonitor, google is your friend.
I didn't find the mobilemonitor, but I read somethings interessant. I found a guy in German who had my same problems with his vaio. The problem, he said, was the dirty on the fun and heopened the notebook and cleaned it. See on the site
It's in german but you can see the pictures.
What do you think? should I do the same?
I'm I little bit worried about it...
Well there's an alternative, using compressed air in the vents, this will solve the issue and you won't need to open the notebook up.
I will try both. thanks a lot.
so, I tried with air compressor and with a vacuum cleaner too, but didn't work. So I opened the vaio, I followed the instruction on that side I wrote you, and I found I heap of dirty, one cm thick. So that was the problem.
I remuved it and now the fun is already silent and the temperature is normal.
I made a picture of it. Visit my site:, on the wikipage the page is operazione vaio.